Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not a lot going on this week, so I thought an update on the diabetes management would be a good thing to write on.

Even though I have been off of all medications since July of 2011, I still test daily, usually three times per day. Up until recently I had been very pleased with my readings, but over the past two months they have been slowly climbing back up and so has my weight.

There is a definite correlation between weight management and diabetes.

So, what happened.

Well, back in August of 2012 my Doctor said don't lose any more weight. What I heard was go ahead and fudge on your food plan. Guess I better get my ear and brain connection checked, something seems a bit broke.

At any rate, a little extra here and a little extra there ended up in a 40 lb weight gain from August to January

If your diabetic, at least in my experience, there is no such thing as returning to my old way of eating. Everything must be weighed and measured and for me my overall calorie intake must not exceed 2500 calories in any one day and preferable about 2000 calories.

Also, that means for me, I must stick to my meal plan which is fairly well balanced nutritionally and supplement with a good multivitamin. Don't underestimate proper nutrition , especially if your diabetic.A really good supplement that I have found can be checked out here: 
A friend of mine distributes this supplement and if you like what you see on the web site you can contact him to order or get more Info at His name is Terry, tell him Les sent you.

Well, I have been back on my food plan about three weeks now and am seeing results already. I dropped about 6 lbs and am seeing lower blood sugar readings.

Food cravings make it hard to stay on a food plan. In the past I suffered from food cravings really bad and I have learned that there are two types of cravings; emotional and physical.

Honestly, most of my cravings were of the emotional type, pent up anger, fear and failed expectations were the primary culprits. Here my re-found relationship with Jesus has definitely helped. Learning how to forgive and relying on Him has really stabilized my emotions and when they do get out of whack I have an understanding ear to bend anytime, any place and if I trust Him he can deal with it.

The physical cravings, I have learned, can be caused by poor nutrition. These type of cravings usually demand a certain kind of food whereas the emotional cravings don't seem to be as food specific, though usually sugar, flour or greasy food products fit the bill, especially if they are in large quantities.

For more information on nutritional cravings here is a website I found helpful:

Bottom line here is if you crave foods even after you have ate, then check out your emotional state first, then consider your nutrition and pray about it. The right answer will come if you seek it.

Staying on a food plan for the diabetic is critical, if you don't and your a truck driver, better plan or retiring early with a great medical insurance plan cause your gonna need it.

Keep the rubber side down and God Bless


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