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My first book was "So, You Want to be a Truck Driver". This book approaches the subject from a very different perspective than most other of books with similar titles. It is geared to the wanna-be driver and gives a 12 question quiz to see if you got what it takes to be a great driver. Christmas is coming soon and if you know someone considering doing what we do, spend the $9.95 to get this book for them, it very well could be the best Christmas present ever for that person and could save them from making a huge mistake.
My second and third books came after I came back to my faith in my God who has helped me to get my Diabetes under control and allowed me to go back to work after having been put on Insulin. Those two books can be downloaded for free from my website or you can purchase them through the website at a discount. These two books are about how a Christians should use the Ten Commandments to improve their walk with God.
Then came the book,"Yahweh, the God Who Speaks and How to Hear Him", the title tells the subject. But, to peak your interest a bit, I go through the Bible and show how God has spoke to all of His people in the distant past and then give the basics one needs to know to open those 'inner ears' that you might be able to hear the Masters voice and know for sure it is Him. I published this book last year but found quit a few mistakes so I revised it and republished today. You can get a free copy for review at the link below the picture of the cover, or you can get it on Amazon, Kindle or from my website. (the revision will not be available on Kindle for a day or two and on Amazon until next week).
And of course my most recent book is the one I published this year titled " The Lazy Man's Guide to Managing Type Two Diabetes". This book is also very different from books about this subject as I have disclosed from a personal perspective what I have learned and what I have done to control my own disease. I was diagnosed in 2010 during a routine CMV physical, I did manage with pills ok until 2006 when things began to get out of control. Then in 2009, the doctors decided insulin was my only option, needless to say I had to leave the profession. I lost almost a years work (10 months) before I received my waiver from the FMCSA, during that year I learned a, new to me, way of managing my disease which is easy, doesn't require exercise and any truck driver (really anyone) can do it, if he wants to.
So, if you are on pills right now or know someone who is, spend the few bucks to learn this easy method to stay off drugs and keep on trucking. This disease is progressive and the longer you wait the longer it takes to get it under control and the grater risk for permanent damage to your body. You can get it here The Lazy Man's guide to Managing Type Two Diabetes or you can get it on Amazon.
If you decide to start writing books during your down time like I have, you don't have to go through the rejection process of the traditional publishers to get your words into print, you can use the print on demand houses like I have. There are several, but I recommend, you can order one or a thousand, or more at wholesale prices. They have editing and cover design available for a price, but publishing and getting into distribution channels (like Amazon) is free. They also have marketing packages available if you don't wish to do your own marketing.
Well enough for now. Please buy one of my books, (you can find the all here) and keep the rubber side down.